Secretariats and Support Units
In charge of maintaining the conditions necessary for the optimal functioning of all the departments on the university campus, improving faculty working conditions for collaborating personnel as well as Academics, and improving student life in general.
Susana Jofré Herrera, Head of General Services and Physical Plant (Faculty Administrator)
Telephone: +56 2 2977 1903
The Campus Administration Pilot Plan started in August 2011 and includes the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the School of Dentistry.
This unit is made up of three professionals:
- North Campus Joint Administrator
- A risk prevention expert
- An administrative management professional
Its functions include consulting, suggesting, and coordinating agreements between the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the School of Dentistry in three important areas:
- Risk Prevention: Provide consultation regarding occupational health and safety to avoid work accidents and illnesses. Implement the GPS-ACHS management system, a commitment endorsed by the University.
- Infrastructure: Develop the architectural Master Plan, role delineation studies, project design, technical work inspection, work quotes.
- Coordinate tenders of general interest to the campus and efficient and timely monitoring of tendered companies and/or private citizens.
Risk Prevention Expert
Pía Navalón Arenas
Telephone: +56 2 29781711
Bárbara Arias Araya
Telephone: +56 2 29781711
Risk Prevention Tech.
Selene Silva Vargas
Telephone: +56 2 29781711
Isabel Orellana Cárdenas
Telephone: +56 2 29782816
Relevant information (in Spanish)
- Sala Primeros Auxilios (PNG, 1515 KB)
- Manejo de Cortopunzantes (PNG, 520 KB)
- Matriz de Incompatibilidades Químicas (PNG, 548 KB)
- Prevención del daño a la voz (PNG, 760 KB)
- Aprende a reconocer un extintor operativo (JPEG, 213 KB)
- Qué hacer en caso de accidentes del trabajo en el extranjero (PNG, 631 KB)
- Qué hacer en caso de accidentes de trabajo o trayecto (PNG, 307 KB)
The Specialized Laboratory IT Center at the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences was created in 1994 for the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences students at the University of Chile. It has 2 halls and the capacity for a staff of 50 people. It also provides document printing services for students, and IT support for the community.
Prof. Alejandro Bustamante
Engineers and Technicians:
- César Maldonado
- Victor Miranda
Telephones: +562 29782924 / +562 29781615 / +562 29782984
The Human Resources Committee is in charge of making sure that personnel, especially collaborators, have access to all institutional benefits. Additionally, it monitors labor conditions in terms of the corresponding regulations.
Its main functions include:
- Monitoring the application of Administrative Statutes
- Monitoring the application of university regulations
- Developing hiring policies
- Processes for selection and disaffection at the Institution
- Maintenance and well-being
- Training
The Registrar’s Office is a technical body responsible for maintaining academic records and ensuring the correct implementation of study programs, as well as the general regulations of the University and the Faculty related to academic administration, through the Academic Director, without prejudice to what is stated in Article 43 of the General Faculty Regulations.
The duties, tasks, and responsibilities of the Registrar’s Office include conducting and coordinating the enrollment process; coordinating course registration through the platform established by the University; maintaining and archiving official documentation provided by the Schools regarding the curricular activities of their students; coordinating and controlling information related to the academic status of students; issuing documents and certificates related to the curricular and academic situations of students and alumni; planning class schedules and assigning the respective classrooms; and any other duties as indicated by university regulations.
Its duties include:
- Centralizes the enrollment process
- Coordinates course registration via the web
- Prepares class schedules
- Coordinates the use of classrooms
- Collects and maintains the record of grades
- Manages the U-Cursos and Ucampus systems for students
The Registrar’s Office handles documents and requests such as:
- Grade transcripts
- Student status (for purposes such as family allowances, military status, etc.)
- Course enrollment and withdrawal for semesters
- Absence justifications
- Degree processing
Hours of Operation
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
9:00 to 13:00 - Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 to 13:00 and 14:30 to 17:30
Prof. Alejandro Bustamante Martínez
Telephone: +562 29781621
Office of the Dean
The Office of the Dean (or Dean’s Office) is the unit whose primary function is to comprehensively advise the Dean’s leadership activities within the context of its duties, as well as to provide support in management matters to other academic units of the Faculty, per University Exempt Decree No. 0023489, dated July 26, 2022, which approves the new Organizational and Operational Regulations of the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
According to the current regulations, its duties include collaborating, supporting, and advising all management support offices of the Dean’s Office. It also involves coordinating institutional projects as requested by the Dean and providing information on institutional analysis and management to internal and external bodies of the Faculty that require it. The role coordinates analytical studies on areas such as personnel, budget, accounting, procurement, or others at the request of the Faculty’s senior authorities and the comprehensive management advisory bodies of the Dean.
Additionally, it conducts institutional analyses of the Faculty, the University, and the Chilean University System. Managing the execution of agreements for outreach, services, collaboration, and cooperation with public or private institutions, both nationally and internationally, is another critical responsibility. The role also involves participating in developing policies, guidelines, and internal protocols of the Faculty, as requested, to improve the well-being of the university community and to advise the Dean on matters within its competence. Finally, it performs all other tasks assigned by the Dean and university regulations to this Unit.
Chief of Staff of the Dean’s Office
The Chief of Staff of the Dean’s Office is a trusted university official appointed by the Dean. This role involves collaborating, supporting, and advising the Dean in the exercise of their duties and handling related tasks. The Chief of Staff also performs the duties of Executive Secretary for the university body’s Steering Committee and presents necessary information to assist the Faculty’s authorities in decision-making.
Additionally, the Chief of Staff is responsible for monitoring and controlling indicators related to academic and administrative staff, as well as research indicators. This role includes coordinating activities to facilitate the signing of collaboration and cooperation agreements with public or private institutions, both nationally and internationally.
Currently, the position of Chief of Staff of the Dean’s Office is held by Assistant Professor Daniel Burgos Bravo, an academic and career professional affiliated with the Department of Food Science and Chemical Technology.
![]() | +56 2 29771900 |
Legal Advisor
The Legal Advisor is a law professional affiliated with the Dean’s Office of the Faculty, whose primary function is to provide legal advice to the senior management of the academic unit. In this capacity, they review instruments and administrative acts submitted for the Dean’s consideration and issue legal reports on matters within their competence. Additionally, they manage the actions that senior authorities must take following current disciplinary procedures.
The current Legal Advisor is Mr. Alex Rubilar Gibert.
![]() | Calle Dr. Carlos Lorca Tobar Núm. 964, Independencia, Santiago – CHILE |