Proyectos FONDECYT vigentes
Within the framework of the Equity and Inclusion Policies of the Institution and in accordance with the Comprehensive Student Development Model, the Faculty seeks to create equal opportunity for access, participation, and advocacy for students during their time at the institution in all university activities, spaces, and networks. In 2014, the Faculty created the Comprehensive Teaching and Learning Unit (UIEA), whose main function is to create and promote actions that strengthen and stimulate independent, meaningful, and self-regulated learning for students who need it.
How are students supported in their learning at the University?
- By strengthening, stimulating and creating conditions that promote meaningful learning experiences during their educational journey at the Faculty.
- By offering specific academic support services that are available to any student that needs them such as tutoring in pairs (TIP) and academic tutoring conducted by professors to strengthen students’ cross-curricular learning and develop scientific reasoning abilities.
- By promoting activities, together with other units, that encourage the process of adaptation and integration into university life from a holistic perspective.
- By detecting early on any future problems that students might have in their learning process and offering a support network that can guide them and accompany them in the process.
The UIEA offers the following academic support both in person and virtually:
- Academic Tutoring Program (Programa de Tutoría Académica, PTA).
- Tutoring in Pairs Program (TIP).
- Academic Reading, Writing and Speaking Program (Programa de Lectura Escritura y Oralidad Académica, LEA).
- Virtual Academic Support Program (Programa de Apoyo Académico Virtual, PAAV).
- Comprehensive Psychoeducational Support Program (Programa de Acompañamiento Psicoeducativo Integral, API).
Student participation in the different academic support programs will be recognized as part of their academic curriculum.
If you are a student and you wish to participate in one of the support programs, contact the program by email or go to the UIEA office on the 1st floor of the Luis Cerutti Building.
If you are a 3rd or 4th year or graduate student and you want to be a paired tutor, we invite you to participate by sending an email stating that you want to be part of the team.
Luz González G.
Telephones: +562 29782817 – +562 29782950