The Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology is closely related to each player in pharmaceutical development through its work in training Pharmaceutical Chemists (undergraduate); training activities for professionals (continuous training); researcher training (graduate); research, development and innovation (R + D + I) (industry, government entities, and other universities) and in its teaching tasks, research, and outreach to other health professionals, government organizations, and medication providers (hospitals, community and clinical pharmacies, and healthcare applied to medication use).
Given the specific relationship established between the department and each of the actors in the chain, there are 3 fundamental areas of compliance:
- Clinical
- Technology
- Pharmaceutical Policies
These areas are not independent. There is a close relationship between each of them.
The department’s mission is to develop superior teaching, research, outreach, development, and innovation in pharmaceutical sciences and technology, contributing in the area of medications and improving the health of the population.
The department’s vision is to develop its mission nationally and internationally. To this end, it promotes research, development, and innovation, thus contributing to the creation of Pharmaceutical Chemists in its undergraduate, continuous training, and graduate curriculum through academic excellence in cultivating pharmaceutical sciences and technology. It is known nationally as a cutting-edge consulting center in terms of science and technology and it is valued for its work regarding dispensation, applied health, rational drug use, pharmaceutical care, development, production, and quality assurance in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. It also participates in committees that decide regulatory policies. This is how it meets the needs of the profession, the faculty, the university and the country.
Faculty board
Prof. Felipe Oyarzún Ampuero
Assistant Director
Prof. Olosmira Correa Briones
Prof. María Nella Gai Hernández
Prof. Karina Valdés
Prof. Javier Morales Valenzuela
Telephone: +56 2 29781630
Prof. Olosmira Correa Briones
Telephone: +56 2 29781679
Prof. Felipe Oyarzún Ampuero
Telephone: +56 2 29781616
Prof. Elena María Vega
Telephone: +56 2 29782840
Prof. María Nella Gai Hernández
Telephone: +56 2 29781673
Prof. Edda Costa Castro
Telephone: +56 2 29781672
Prof. Javier Morales Montecinos
Telephone: +56 2 29781620
Prof. Karina Valdés Camus
Telephone: +56 2 29781678
Prof. Marcela Jirón Aliste
Telephone: +56 2 29782838
Prof. Hernán Chávez Grez
Telephone: +56 2 29782816
Prof. María Teresa Andonaegui Alvarez
Telephone: +56 2 29782815
Prof. Alejandra del Río Vega
Telephone: +56 2 29781632
Prof. Boris Tartakowsky Novoa
Telephone: +56 2 29781632
Prof. Elizabeth Martínez Rojas
Telephone: +56 2 29781632
Prof. Ariel Castro Lara
Telephone: +562 29789044
Areas of Research
- Pharmaceutical physical chemistry
Prof Javier Morales Valenzuela. - Medical, economic, and social consequences of medication use
Marcela Jirón (Head) y Prof. Elena María Vega. - Transport of active molecules in nano, micro, and macrometric systems for use in chronic therapies
Felipe Oyarzún (Head), Prof. Paz Robert, Prof Marcelo Kogan and Prof. Andrew Quest - Nanostructured polymeric materials as controlled delivery systems aimed at biological (biomacromolecules) and conventional drugs
Javier Morales Montecinos
Active Molecule Encapsulation and Release Laboratory
Felipe Oyarzún.
Brief description
This Laboratory focuses on the release of different active molecules in order to create medicinal and nutraceutical formulas for therapeutic ends. The type of formulas that we study include liquid, semisolid and solid forms and measure from a few nanometers (soluble complexes and nano systems) to several millimeters (micro and macrostructures). In this unit we get results in the form of basic science (papers) and applied science (patents and licenses for the private sector), making a great effort to place these products into the hands of patients/users.
Drug Delivery Laboratory
Javier Morales Montecinos
Brief description
The Drug Delivery Laboratory seeks to develop new drug delivery systems through the use of polymeric materials and their nanoscale applications. This research seeks to incorporate biological drugs (biomacromolecules) into polymeric nanoparticles in order to create controlled release peptide systems. Similarly, we develop polymeric nanoparticles that are modified on the surface as transport systems through the blood-brain barrier, to deliver drugs to the central nervous system. Other applications seek to develop therapies directed at gastric mucosa, the heart, and transdermal delivery, among others. Regarding the use of polymeric materials, it will also explore the development of coatings as oral (transmucosal) administration systems for biological drugs and nanocarriers. In order to guarantee the structural stability of the biomacromolecules, these drugs will be created by depositing crystalline or polymeric nanoparticles in coatings through the inkjet printing technique.
Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Javier Morales Valenzuela
Brief description
The goal of this Laboratory is to use physical chemistry to study pharmaceutical phenomena that can affect the design and creation of pharmaceutical forms and their performance in the body. To this end, we carry out research in: *Adsorption, distribution, incorporation, stability and the reactivity of molecules with pharmacological activity (antioxidants and drugs) in micro heterogenous systems (erythrocyte membranes, proteins and liposomes) and solids (silica nanoparticles) of pharmacological importance. *Nano vesicular systems formed by nonionic surfactants (niosomes) for transport of natural bioactive substances, considering their biopharmaceutical aspects. *Developing analytical methodologies to identify active substances in the systems described above.
All classes are taught in Spanish.
Código | Ramo | Créditos |
CITF1109 | El Químico Farmacéutico y su Acción | 5 |
CITF1209 | El Medicamento y su Evolución | 4 |
CITF2110 | Investigación para las Ciencias Farmacéuticas | 4 |
CITF3116 | Gestión de Calidad | 3 |
CITF3217 | Legislación Farmacéutica | 4 |
CIQO3218 | Fisicoquímica Farmacéutica | 6 |
CIBQ4112 | Fisiopatología y Semiología | 5 |
CITF4115 | Salud Pública | 3 |
CITF4116 | Tecnología Farmacéutica I | 6 |
CITF4214 | Biofarmacia y Farmacocinética | 6 |
CITF4215 | Tecnología Farmacéutica II | 6 |
CITF4216 | Administración y Gestión Farmacéutica | 3 |
CITF4217 | Estadística Farmacéutica | 3 |
CPQF5110 | Farmacología Clínica | 6 |
CPTF5113 | Farmacia Asistencial | 4 |
CPTF5114 | Tecnología Cosmética | 4 |
CPTF5207 | Práctica Profesional en Farmacia Comunitaria | 7 |
FCQF761 | Formulaciones Magistrales Alópatas y Homeópatas | 5 |
CE000092 | Farmacología Clínica y Farmacoterapía | 4 |
CE000114 | Nuevos Vehículos de Tamaño Nano y Micrómetrico para Aplicaciones Biológicas | 4 |
CE000116 | Dispositivos de Administracion Transdermica | 3 |
CE000117 | Liderazgo y Trabajo en Equipo | 3 |
CE000122 | Herramientas para el Seguimiento Farmaceutico | 3 |